Lunar Cycling—the Ritual

The purpose of this ritual is to focus the energy of the moon to help us to move through the continuing cycle—waxing and waning, fulfilling and emptying, rebirth and renewal—of the various processes of our lives. Using it enables us to consciously access the powerful natural energies of the moon to help us to keep moving in our lives by affirming and focusing these energies in the appropriate ways.

To work the ritual it is useful to have four different candles: one for the Maiden (first and last night of the waxing moon), one for the Bright Mother (full moon), one for the Eldest (first and last nights of the waning moon), and one for the Dark Goddess (dark moon). This helps you to keep yourself in the appropriate focus for that night’s work.

An Indoor Ritual

Organize a clear, uncluttered, quiet space and time in which to work. It helps to do the work in the same place each time insofar as possible. Place your candle where you can easily look at it without a lot of distractions.

Center yourself, be aware of your connection with Earth (Goddess) and Heaven (God). Breathe. Be at peace.

As you light the candle, be aware that you are bringing the light and energy and power of the Goddess, symbolized by the cycles of the moon, into your awareness. You might like to say something aloud to that effect.

Talk to the candle as you would to that particular aspect of the Goddess, who is both within and without. Speak to her as you would to a person, a friend. You can ask her questions, ask for insight from that aspect of her. Your questions should be appropriate to that aspect.

As you talk to her, pause and listen from time to time. You may suddenly have a sense of clarity about something that has seemed muddled and confused. Or you may have an insight into something that has been quite obscured for you.

You may feel that you are in need of help with whatever phase of the process you are working with. If so, ask her for help, either with specific things or with that phase in general. If it is asked for, it will be given - even through you may not recognize it when you get it.

Having received help and strength in ongoing or past processes, you may well want to tell her ‘thank you’ and express your gratitude. Again, just speak to her as you would a wise friend.

Once you have achieved a sense of clarity and completion for the moment, just sit in silence for a while and be at peace with the energy in yourself and the energy between you and the Goddess represented by the candle. Breathe. Witness the life of the flame, its movement, the way the candle nurtures and supports it. Be still.

When you feel the time has come, thank the Goddess, within and without, for being with and helping you.

As you blow out the candle, be conscious of the energy of the flame, both entering into you and releasing into the universe, carrying the lunar energy, an aspect of the archetypal Goddess, with it. It carries the intention and awareness of your heart into manifest reality. You may wish to say something aloud to that effect.

Then forget about it. Release the process from your conscious mind. The energy of your intention and of the moon are now at work in you and in the universe. Just go on with your life and let the Goddess act.

Dark Lady, Dark Moon
The Maiden, First Night Waxing
The Maiden, Last Night Waxing
Bright Mother, Full Moon
The Crone, First Night Waning
The Crone, Last Night Waning

Sun Ritual
Sunrise &, Spring Equinox
Sunhigh & Summer Solstice
Sunset & Autumn Equinox
Midnight & Winter Solstice

Sun Magic, Moon Magic

References & Links

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© Copyright 1986, 2005 by Jessica Macbeth. All rights reserved.
No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system,
without the written permission of the author.

First Edition 1986, First printed by An lios na bean bhochd 1993
Reprinted 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993