The Maiden, First Night Waxing

Key Phrase: "Wouldn't it be lovely if..."

This is the night after the dark or ‘new’ moon. On this night we look at our hopes, our goals, our dreams for the future. We discuss these with the presence of the Maiden represented by our candles until we are clear about what our hopes are and what our true goals are. Define them carefully. Consider what it is you really want. For example, if you want a job that gives you both challenges and security, ask for that and not for some particular job you saw advertised that you think will give you that. Once you feel you have your intentions expressed clearly (and this might take a while), then consciously release the energy of your hopes and goals into her hands and the universe as you blow out your Maiden Candle.

The key phrase above is to help us to release our hopes and plans as we express them. If we say, "I hope..." or "I want..." we tend to focus on the "I" and to hold onto them quite tightly—so tightly that the Maiden can't do anything with them. This is about trusting the process, trusting her to know how best to get what we're asking for. We are trying for a fine balance here between doing what we need to do to make our plans and dreams come true and turning the rest of it over to her. Miracles happen—tiny ones and big ones. Notice them!

If there is a need to redefine or to add to our hopes and goals during this phase of the cycle, the ritual may be repeated. When this is done, it should be like the original ritual and should be done with care and integrity, taking ample time.

NOTE: The Maiden's part of the moon cycle, the waxing moon, is at its highest energy between Imbolc, 1st of February to 21 June, Midsummer. Beltane, 1st of May is her special day.

Moon Ritual
Dark Lady, Dark Moon

The Maiden, Last Night Waxing
Bright Mother, Full Moon
The Crone, First Night Waning
The Crone, Last Night Waning

Sun Ritual
Sunrise &, Spring Equinox
Sunhigh & Summer Solstice
Sunset & Autumn Equinox
Midnight & Winter Solstice

Sun Magic, Moon Magic

References & Links

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© Copyright 1986, 2005 by Jessica Macbeth. All rights reserved.
No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system,
without the written permission of the author.

First Edition 1986, First printed by An lios na bean bhochd 1993
Reprinted 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993