By the members of the FaeryOracle On-line Discussion Group

Latest Additions:

63. Indi

Indi (???) IN·dee
Indi isn't a proper faery name. He couldn't make up his mind what he wanted to be called, so I just named him Indi, which is short for "indecision". I thought he might be indignant about this, but he pointed out that the name was very adaptable—it could stand for indecision, indignation, India (or Indian), Indiania (or Indianapolis), indicant, indicate, indices, indicium, indicia, indict, indifference, indigence, indigene, indign, indigo, indirect, indiscernible, indiscerptible, indiscipline, indiscreet, indiscoverable, indiscrete, indiscriminate, indiscussible, indispensable, indisposeable, indisputable, indissoluble, indistinct, indistinguished, indite, indium, individual, and indivisible. "And, then," he says, "there are all the indo- and inda- and indu- and inde- and even the indy- words because you might have spelt it wrong, Jesa. Or the end- or und or and- or ond- or even the ynd- words, if there still are any left..."
But I refused to go there.
He especially likes Indigene, Indigo, and Indispensable.

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