By the members of the FaeryOracle On-line Discussion Group

Latest Additions:

37. Tobaira of the Waters

Tobaira (well, source, spring) toeˇB/VARˇah This one is tricky because the "b" is pronounced somewhere between a "b" and a "v"— just do the best you can.
"Tobar" is the Scots Gaelic word for "well" so she is the well itself, the source of the waters, and the guardian thereof. Faery names are so sensible.
Tobaira is also known as The White Lady of the Faery Waters

© Copyright, Brian Froud, 1998, all rights reserved.
From the hands of the White Lady of the Faery Well pour the wise waters of Faeryland, sweeter than the finest of human wine, smelling of honey and sun-baked earth..

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