By the members of the FaeryOracle On-line Discussion Group

Latest Additions: 9 January 2001

29. Ta'Om the Poet

Ta'Om (unknown) tah·OHM
As I write this, Ta'Om is trying to convince me that his name is Tao Om, which he translates as "the Infinite Way." As usual, he sounds very serious and convincing until he collapses into giggles and then leaps up and dashes off shrieking with laughter. I have no idea whether he wants to be takes seriously about this or not. It probably depends on the moment.

9 January 2001 - © Copyright Jessica Macbeth, 2001. All rights reserved.
I had a lot of problems with Ta'Om when I was writing the Faeries' Oracle. He slithered around and kept changing his mind about what he wanted me to say. "So little space, so much to tell, so impossible to tell it all, even if I wanted to, which I don't..."

Then I suddenly remembered! My son (now long grown) had an "invisible friend" named Ta'Om when he was very young. So I e-mailed him a copy of Brian's painting and then phoned to get his reaction. Jonathan (my son) and Ta'Om are a lot alike in many ways. That's where some of the stuff in the book about Ta'Om came from.

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