Many years ago in San Diego one of my students, who had been coming to classes for about a year, asked, "When are we going to start doing real magic?"
"Tell me," I asked, "a year ago would you have thought reading tarot and doing healing and seeing auras were 'real magic'?"
"Yes, but now I know how to do it."
I just looked at her, smiling.
"You mean it's all like that?" she wailed. "You mean all of it is just knowing how to do it?"
I shrugged and let her stew for a few moments, then said, "There's another way to look at it."
I don't know if she ever really got it — the notion of everything being magic if only we open our eyes to see — but that kind of confusion is what comes of people thinking they are not magical people, when in fact we all are.
Copyright © 1992 by Jessica Macbeth. All rights reserved.
This first appeared in Crann Beathadh, 1992.
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