Card 9 Reversed — The Singer of Initiation
From the Faeries' Oracle...
When we stand in the gateway of initiation, it is often difficult to tell where we are going, and the process may feel more like loss than like a movement into a new level of being. Prayer for insight helps, but a great deal of the process is about discovering and showing what we can do. This is a test, one requiring much if not all of our inner resources and wisdom. It demands that we go beyond what we have achieved before. Instead of asking things like, "Why me?" Or "When is this going to end?t" Try asking, "How can I do this better? How can I handle this more wisely than I ever have before? Pat's experience with this Singer suggests to her the following questions: "How can I handle this differently, more creatively? Is there another point of view that I have never looked at? What golden door is being offered to me to explore with this apparent problem?'
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Jessica Macbeth & Brian Froud