Card 1 Reversed — Unity

From the Faeries' Oracle...

Reversed Reading

We may have become overly focused on the differences and disagreements that seem to separate us from others, and this may be preventing us from achieving our potential for fulfillment and happiness. We may feel alienated, unwanted, and lonely. If this is so, we need to refocus on what we have in common with those around us, far and near. We may need to heal our own attitudes and our beliefs that contribute to these feelings of separation, and we could usefully consider how we might find reconciliation with others. Forgiveness may be a key. Prejudice and judgmental and critical attitudes all push us farther into the delusion of separateness and loneliness.

Move toward allowing others be closer to you, gradually dropping the defensive attitudes that hold them away and keep you alone. Don't wait for others to make the first move toward reconciliation and connection but reach out to them with compassion and selflessness. This may be difficult, even very difficult at first, requiring self-study and inner work, possibly with the help of skilled teachers or therapists.

In meditation and prayer, ask to be in communion with the Unity deep within yourself. In Unity there is trust, love, and ecstasy.

Faery Lore — the inside story

Union. Mystical experience. Spiritual home.

Unity comes first and last. In between we have the illusion of duality, which we all believe in for a very long time. This apparent duality is ultimately shown to be an illusion, but it is an illusion through which we must pass, through which we learn and grow, and then once again return to Unity.

You may have had mystical experiences where you have had true union with other beings or even with the Unity, the One Who Is All. Such experiences change our lives, effectively showing us that the saying "we are all one" is not just a pious belief but is a statement of actual fact. We are not separate, but are one. The only way to reach this awareness is to surrender the small everyday self to the larger spiritual self, which is Unity. Experiencing full oneness with the Unity is transformative.

Looking at this of Unity, one observer notes, "All the power is focused in here, vast energies. It is as if all that power is looking for a place to happen." This is exactly what is going on. Unity is the energy of the cosmos still unmanifest, still without form. Here we see the dark and the light, masculine and feminine, active and passive, and other polarities, all expressed in balanced, energy-filled, vibrant union. "All That Is is one, and that One is god/dess" is the principle expressed. From this, all else derives. This is the source from which we draw not only our strength, but our very being.

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Jessica Macbeth & Brian Froud

Text copyright ©2000 by Jessica Macbeth.
Art copyright ©2000 by Brian Froud. All rights reserved.